๐Ÿ‘พย  jr-the-cybernaut's blog ๐Ÿš€

Do I belong in the smolweb/indieweb?

A lot (but not all) smolweb/indieweb manifestos seem to me, to be folk longing for the red pill (the original matrix meaning, not the current co-opted meaning). A longing to return to innocence/ignorance.

In some ways I get it. No one can keep track of all the harsh shit in the world, especially in the triggering/unproductive ways social media provides it in an unlimited flood.

We all need our light hearted stuff and safe spaces. But to me the old web is about accessing information, not just the light hearted stuff. And this is important to me. I learned a lot about myself and others through the web that I wouldn't have just living and interacting in a small town. Not all of it is fun or pleasant, but often is necessary. The idea of this stuff being less accessible as time moves on pains and motivates me.

My directory will reflect this. It may be too serious for some on the smolweb/indieweb. Shoot I'm often too serious for people in real life.

I wanted my blog to be more light hearted and it WILL have some fun stuff! But I also feel a lot of pressure to self censor myself. No politics and no bad stuff is a tall order if you are of multiple belonging. Where does the line start/stop? What is acceptable and what isn't? That said I don't want this space to be endless politics and whinging.

Truthfully there is no universal answer. Everyone will have their own personal boundaries.

I'm trying to think of mine.

However I know the especially raw stuff will be saved for zines. Its just a better format than a blog anyone can access. So there's that.

#serious business